I know this guy, he’s an influencer

I know this guy, he’s an influencer

I am sure that by now you have heard this buzz phrase if you are running pretty much any kind of business, influencer marketing.  So, let’s clear the air about what influencer marketing is, isn’t, and how you can take full advantage of a proper influencer...
So, I had a bad day

So, I had a bad day

Every now and then we all have one of those days that make you question everything.  Am I doing what I am supposed to be doing?  Did I quit my job for a good reason? Why does everything suck so bad? Am I doing everything I should be doing to create the life that I...
You know anyone that makes logos?

You know anyone that makes logos?

You know anyone that makes logos?  If I had a dollar for every time I heard that, I would hire a marketing company and have them build me a brand.  If you ever wonder if it’s time to get a logo, you are missing out. Let me say this for the people in the back…. YOU...
But what’s up with the bicycle?

But what’s up with the bicycle?

We thought you might be curious.  As you can imagine there is a very interesting story about that.  This is the very bicycle that Sir Edmond Mayworth traveled to the United States with in order to build his empire.  His passion was one that many people didn’t really...
The power of a good story

The power of a good story

So, I went fishing the other day and came across this old bridge.  As I approached the bridge I noticed something peculiar.  There was a shiny object that could just barely be seen beneath the water.  As I love a good story about shiny objects, I could not resist...